Tuesday, July 20, 2021

国連への手紙エピローグ~日本の子供たちを助けてください Epilogue Please Help Japanese Kids!

 竹野内国連への手紙のエピローグ(第15章)その他の章は、2013年1月のSave Kids Japanをご覧ください。


XV エピローグ~日本の子供たちを助けてください Epilogue Please Help Japanese Kids!

私が原発問題に初めて気づいたのは1999年夏のことでした。米国の生化学者で原子力情報センター(NIRS)のMary Olson女史が2000年問題との兼ね合いで米国の原発の電源喪失事故のシナリオを講演会で語ってくれたのです。私はそれまで原発の危険性というものを日本で全く聞いたことがなく、大変なショックを受けました。チェルノブイリも旧ソ連の型の原発は日本のものとは全く異なるということで、日本には関係ない話であるというマスコミの宣伝を信用していました。

I came to know the issue of nuclear power for the first time in the summer of 1999.  A US biochemist Ms. Mary Olson from Nuclear Information and Resource Center talked about the possibility of station blackout of nuclear power plant in relation with Y2K.  Until I heard her lecture, I have never heard of any danger of nuclear power plant in my life and was greatly shocked.  Even after the Chernobyl, Japanese media was telling us that accident is totally irrelevant to Japan since the type of nuclear reactor was different, and I simply believed it. 

What shocked me most was the large number of late death compared to the small number of immediate death.  "I didn't know there is such a horror in this society..." While I was translating the nuclear station-blackout scenario, I just couldn't stop crying.


I was very quick to get down to the action once I got to know its danger.  I went to Prime Ministers Residence with a person I got to know, and talked to the Cabinet Secretary Crisis Management Officer with the information I translated.  The Officer scolded both me and the man who introduced me to him, yelling, Japanese nuclear power is absolutely safe.  Do not bring a weird person in this office!  

The Y2K rollover period is only half a year away.  When I visited a known A-bomb survivors' organization, amazingly, I was told as follows; We are sorry, we cannot say anti-nuclear power since there are some A-bomb survivors who are working at nuclear power plants.

日本国内では埒が明かないと、欧州に行き、欧州議会で緑の党のエネルギー専門家、Grattan Healy氏(現ECRR事務局員)に資料を持って会いに行ったところ、「よく情報を持ってきてくれた」と歓迎し、2日間で決議案を作ってくれ、氏が勧める通り、その議案を持って保守派政党も廻ったところ、賛同していただきました。2ヶ月後、議会では満場一致で採択されました。この時、肩書ではなく、市民の発言内容をきちんと聞いてくれる欧州の政治家の度量に非常に感激しました。

Since I found that there was nothing to be done by the government of Japan, I went to Europe and visited energy expert in European Green Party, Mr. Grattan Healy (currently a secretariat in ECRR) at European parliament with some materials.  Amazingly, he welcomed my visit for that information, and came up with a resolution draft only in 2 days!  As he recommended, I visited other parties in the Parliament with the draft, and was able to obtain their support.  2 months later, I heard the resolution was passed unanimously in the Parliament.  At that time, I was truly impressed by the European politicians who listened to me for what I was saying not for who I was. 


Meanwhile, only 2 months after I was kicked out by the Chief Cabinet Crisis Management Officer, the first nuclear accident with (official) death toll took place in Japan.  There was a criticality accident at JCO, nuclear fuel fabrication factory leaving 2 workers killed and more than 600 people exposed to neutron rays.  However, the health damages claimed by residents were totally denied including Mr. and Mrs. Oizumi who was only 120m from the accident site.


Blood test showed that DNA was damaged in 6 residents samples but amazingly, Ibaraki prefecture concealed it at that time.  (Now Fukushima prefecture is concealing the results of blood tests of Fukushima children.)


Quite pitifully, it is a common practice for the government and municipality to conceal the inconvenient health related data related to nuclear exposure.  I came to realize that after communicating with some former nuclear plant workers.  The nuclear power plant workers deteriorated health conditions had always been denied by the government side under collaboration with doctors. 


Since year 2000 onward, I was doing activities for nuclear and earthquake issue because I thought it was probable that station black out could be caused by earthquake in such a seismic country like Japan.  Between 2001 and 2002, I was working as a translator for an anti-nuclear NPO and in the meantime, Hamaoka nuclear earthquake had two serious accidents in a row.  Hamaoka is located on the plate boundary and M8 class earthquake could occur at any time, so I really wanted to prevent a earthquake caused nuclear disaster by any means before it actually takes place.

 However, there may invisible restrictions on even citizen organization.  That organization, which obtained some money from US foundations, did not tackle nuclear and earthquake issues in those days. 

After the nuclear accident, a number of citizens' groups were established, but not many of them call for "Need for children's evacuation"and "Opposition to incinerating the contaminated debris."  According to a former Tokyo Electric worker, he wrote in his book, "there was an agent in anti-nuke citizens groups and fax came the day before their action."  I believe it is important to make actions not relying too much on organizations. 


2002年にIAEAに単独で直訴に行きました。しかし、IAEAのDepartment of Nuclear SafetyEngineering Safety Sectionの方に、具体的に地震学の知見が原発建設当時よりも進み、耐震設計が間に合っていないこと、また配管などの脆弱性を訴えても、「中がめちゃくちゃに壊れても、原発では一切放射能は外に出ないようになっています」の一点張りでした。この方は本当に安全部門の方なのかと思うような、素人くさい回答でした。
In 2002, I visited IAEA alone to directly make a plea on Japanese nuclear and earthquake issue.  However, when I told a person (a Japanese female) from Department of Nuclear Safety Engineering Safety Section regarding the danger of nuclear plant due to obsolete seismology at the time of construction and some possibilities of pipe rupture to be caused by earthquake, she kept saying, No matter how damaged, nuclear power plant will not release any radiation outside.  Listening to her illogical laymans excuse, I could not believe she was from Nuclear Safety Department. 



I also talked with the Deputy Director General of Nuclear Safety Department.  After listening to my talk and glancing the materials I brought, he interestingly asked me the following question without commenting on my plea. 

Can you make your living by doing these kind of things?

(To be honest, I think I spent millions of yen for anti-nuke activities, but I didnt think I was doing anything special, since this is an issue of life itself not a matter of money.  I had been always wondering why so little people had been doing anti-nuclear activities.  Even now so.  I wish more people who are better off than me will make more actions to protect lives.)

その後、IAEAの原子力安全部ではなく、核保障部Nuclear Safeguardsの方がオフレコで私にこう言いました。「問題が大きすぎて、日本国民全員が原発に反対の声を上げないと原発は止まらない。その前に事故が起きて500万人の日本人が死んでも仕方がない。よく日本人は怖がらずに住んでいられるなと思っています。私の家族は皆、ウィーンにおりますよ。」

After that, I personally talked with a person from Nuclear Safeguards Department, who was my acquaintances acquaintance.  He frankly told me the following, Ms. Takenouchi, to be honest, this issue is too big to tackle with.  Unless everybody in Japan calls for anti-nuclear power, nuclear power plants will not be stopped.  If an accident takes place and 5 million people were killed, there would be nothing we could do.  I am frankly amazed to see most Japanese living normally without being feared.  My family?  Well, all my family members are living here in Vienna with me.


Now the accident did happen and I am deeply sad.  What made me astounded was that the government of Japan concealed the emitted radiation after the accident.  Specifically, the SPEEDI data was secretly passed onto the US military on the night of 14th while it was concealed from the people.  Also, the real time rising radiation data was not announced to the public including Tokyo in the early morning of 15th thought the US military advised Japanese government.  So the people were not asked to stay inside and lots of people were outside including me.


Mr. Yukio Edano, the then Chief Cabinet Secretary repeated only, There will be no immediate health hazards. He did not give any warning during 15th when the radioactive cloud was thickest in Tokyo, leaving tens of millions of people exposed to radiation. 

I myself and my son got exposed to radiation listening to his statements.  I knew his information was too optimistic and wanted to give true warning to people in Fukushima (my late grandparents are from Fukushima) and northern Japan area while I was in Tokyo. 



On the 13th, I answered the interview of French reporter in the anti-nuclear NGO saying that the Japanese government was concealing the information.  On the 14th, I wanted to give information to Foreign Correspondents Club in Japan along with a Hiroshima radiation exposed doctor regarding the danger of internal radiation so that foreign media would give warning to Japanese people since no Japanese media was doing it. 

 (After all, it wasnt realized since the doctor was concerned that it would be disturbing for rescue works conducted for Tsunami victims.)



It really didnt cross my mind that the government would conceal the real time radiation data.  Then we got exposed and we had some symptoms and thyroid nodules I wrote in the beginning. 

However, I recently heard of an unbelievable information.  Amazingly, the then Chief Cabinet Yukio Edano made his wife and children fly to Singapore right after the accident!  If this is true, Mr. Edano was doing some criminal action.  I sincerely want the truth to be sought.

今回の原発事故で、一番大事な点は、今から生じており、今後さらに重大になってくる健康被害だと思いますが、外国人記者クラブで201111月に、会見発表をいたしました。https://takenouchimari.blogspot.com/2016/02/201111.html 会見はNHKを始めとする5,60人ものメディア関係者が来ていたにもかかわらず、まったく報道されませんでした。

I think the most important issue on this nuclear accident is the already emerging health damages that would become really serious in the future. In order to appeal this point, I organized a press conference called, No More Hibakusha, No More Nuclear Powerat Foreign Correspondents Club in Tokyo on November 2011, there has been almost no report though there were 40 or 50 journalists at the site. 




I believe this absence of major report on health damages emerging in Japan is the issue of paramount concern in the aftermath of Fukushima nuclear accident.  Below are the speakers in order of the presentation. In order to know the real consequences of radiation exposed people, I hope you would see this 1 hour youtube video. 


The following are the speakers in order;

Mari Takenouchi (Coordinator/interpreter, low level radiation hibakusya)
Dr. Shuntaro Hida (physician & Hiroshima A bomb hibakusha),
Matashichi Oishi, Hibakusha (former Lucky Dragon crew),
Sachiko Sato (representative, Fukushima Network for Saving Children),
Ryusuke Umeda (former power plant worker)



Lastly, the current Prime Minister Abe is not only pro nuclear power but also pro nuclear weapon.  In 2002, at a lecture made in Waseda University, he stated, If an enemy gets ready for an attack, we should recognize it as an attack.  An inter-continental ballistic missile is not unconstitutional.  If it is a small sized one, it wouldnt be a problem to possess a nuclear weapon. 

The Vice Prime Minister Taro Aso is also pro-nuclear weapon and said, Possessing a nuclear weapon should be one of our option, when he was a Foreign Minister.


Prime Minister Abes grandfather, former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, was a A-class war criminal who was the Trade and Technology Minister during the WWII, but through negotiations with CIA, he became the Prime Minister after the war.  As early as 1957, he already mentioned, For self-defense purpose, Japan could be nuclear armed. During Mr. Kishis regime, Japans first nuclear reactor was introduced from UK.  The First one was Calder Hall type reactor, which could be easily used for manufacturing nuclear weapon.


Prior to the introduction of a nuclear power plant to Japan, in 1961, Science and Technology Agency estimated the damage to be caused by a catastrophic accident.  The estimate was grave.  A total of 17.6 million would have to be temporarily evacuated. Forty percent of the land would have to be restricted from agricultural use at least for one year. The estimated total amount of damage in the report was more than double the national budget in those days.

Yet, this amount was greatly underestimated. It assumed that just 850,000 yen (US$8,500) would be paid for each death, and consideration was only given to acute patients. All later health hazards, such as cancer and leukemia, were ignored.


Without any attack from overseas, Japan has as many as 54 nuclear power plants on such a seismically active land.  There is no space for negotiation with earthquakes.  How foolish!  Moreover, even after the Fukushima accident, the current regime is promoting nuclear energy, furthermore eyeing on restart of Monju and Rokkasho reprocessing plant, which shows their intention to continue nuclearization.  I feel a strong resentment on foolish aspiration of Japanese politicians.


Particularly, owing to these small number of idiot politicians, our beautiful land is being harmed permanently and our most precious treasure, children and future generations DNAs are being damaged at this moment.  I cannot overlook this anymore.  Without supports from conscience citizens and international organizations, Japanese children would be slaughtered in many years to come by this foolish government.


Please help Japanese children.  This is my cri de Coeur as a mother.



Mari Takenouchi

Journalist, A mother of three year old son

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